Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cleaning out the Pantry

I look back on my pantry and think HOW WAS I LIVING THIS WAY! It wasn't so bad until I looked at the before and after pictures. Why did I take before and after pictures of my pantry you ask? Because I can! I took on this task because I found this blog called I'm an Organization Junkie and was inspired to take back my house. When we moved in I was pregnant and tired, so I didn't take time to organize anything. A year later....
After reading this blog what really inspired me was that I couldn't keep track of what I had in my pantry, so shopping was dramatic. I came home and had doubles of everything or I would think I had something and end up not. So, off to the dollar store I went. I ended up spending about $10 at the dollar store and $10 on a shelf. Now when I open my pantry it is pleasant instead of stuff falling out at me. Thus emerged the new pantry. I haven't got the labels on the baskets yet because I want to be able to change them if I change whats in the basket, but sooner or later.

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